Friday, May 23, 2008

Officially Waiting

Well, I'm so excited to report we are officially on the waiting list for our little boy! Our dossier was reviewed yesterday and in the words of our adoption specialist, "Everything looks wonderful!" YES!!! Music to our ears.

She told us referrals for infants under 12 mo. are taking about 7-9 months. (Referrals are kids - for those not familiar with adoption lingo.) Since we are open to a little boy up to 24 mo., we could in theory receive a referral much sooner. She asked if we would be open to accepting a referral during the court-closing time in Ethiopia which is from August through the end of September and we said YES! Of course we don't know that we'd even get a referral in the next few months but it could happen! Our agency is telling us that at this point approaching court closing...

"There are two options: receive a referral and wait for the court to reopen in the fall and potentially travel by the end of the year; OR wait for referral until court reopens, process in the late fall to travel most likely in the early part of 2009."

Our understanding is that during the open court season, once a family accepts a referral, the time it takes for verbal court approval is about 6-8 wks. And then the time of verbal court approval to travel time is about 6 wks. Wow. This could really fly!

Time for immunizations, lots of reading, and waiting. God, all in Your time. I don't want this to happen one second before or one second later than Your appointed time.

Here we go!


Janell said...

What a happy day!! I rejoice with you! Wow, all of a sudden it seems like it's moving so fast. You could have your little boy home soon! Praying for both of you.

christine said...

Congratulations on another step closer to bringing your little boy home. We will be praying for perfect peace as you wait for God to continue to 'work all things together for good' in your lives.

Holli said...

AWESOME!!!! We are SO EXCITED FOR YOU! and pray for peace while waiting! Hope to join you in waiting in month- PLEASE!:)
Lots of love!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! So excited for you guys- I can't believe it. It's def. been a long time coming! Praise God!

Laura said...

So excited for you guys! I'll look forward to hearing what great resources you find during this waiting time!;)

Jami said...

Oh Erin I'm so excited for you!! What a journey it's been already! :)

junglemama said...

What country are you adoptiong from? Russia?

Erin said...

We're adopting from Ethiopia. Thanks for your comments!