Monday, May 5, 2008

Here we go!

Our homestudy has been approved by our international agency and it's time to dig in to the remainder of our dossier (a bunch of legal paperwork required for an international adoption)!!!

Wow. It's really feeling like it's going to happen! I'm going to be a mommy again!

Thank you Lord - and please just keep taking the wheel!


Janell said...

So happy for one more step in this journey! Every one is milestone and gets us so much closer to our kiddos! Good to chat tonight. :)

Laura said...

Erin! Yeah!!
love you, Laura

Erica said...


Yep we're an avocado toast house here too. My husband is full blooded russian and I always thought it was a russian thing. Oddly enough all of his family is originally from California so maybe its a California thing. We love it, 1/2 our kids love it. Davids mom eats 1/2 an avocado on two peices of toast more mornings then not. :) Nice to "meet" you - I agree this blog world is pretty amazing. I'm excited to follow along on your journey.