Sunday, May 10, 2009

Countdown to Court - 7,6,5

7 things that amaze me:

1.  My Savior's love.

2.  My family.

3.  My church family.

4.  My new home (in all of it's 91 yr. old glory - how so much history, beauty & character can exist right alongside some daunting fixer-upper opportunities. )  :)

5.  This entire adoption process which has led to....

6.  Jonas Tagesse....and

7.  How much I've grown in the last couple of years.

6 things I've learned through this adoption process:

1.  It's not about me.  (Embarrassing to admit, but true.)

2.  My life's purpose - to glorify God with everything I am and everything I do.

3.  Waiting is a blessing in disguise - one I wish NOW I would've taken more intentional advantage of instead of pining & whining (oh well, live and learn, right?)  :)

4.  Adoption is JOY personified, but includes many inherent deep losses as well.  This aspect has really been heavy on my heart for my little man the last few months.  Ironic how such conflicting aspects can coexist.  

5.  God's timing is perfect.  

6.  Just because things  are or aren't going smoothly, quickly, or as expected doesn't mean God "is" or "isn't in it."  (This was one huge barrier of false theology I had to work through during that first tough year.)   

5 things we'd love prayer for:

1.  That God would continue to prepare all of our hearts for each other (Ross, me, kids, and Jonas.)

2.  That we'd continue to rest in God's perfect timing - and specifically that Ross' schooling and travel to Ethiopia work out.  He's supposed to be gone from June 8-12.  

3.  Health.

4.  Safety.

5.  Peace.  Anxiety be gone!  :)


3 became 4... said...

Love your post... especially that adoption is JOY and loss at the same time.... so true. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that one.
I'm so excited for you guys! We'll be covering you in prayer as you finally get to bring your little guy home. One of the most amazing things for us after Caleb came home was watching the way our older 3 welcomed and embraced him- they love him so fiercely! The adoption journey impacted them and their little hearts forever in the most amazing way!
Blessings in Christ,
Lyn Franks

taryn said...

Great post! Lots of good notes & points. Will be praying as you go through this adoption process... it is so neat to look back and see how God grows us through every time in our life.

christine said...

I am loving your 'Countdown' posts & will continue holding you up in prayer.

Holli said...

also loving these post! praying for the day!

Mandy said...

Waiting doesn't feel like a blessing right now since our court date is on hold, but I know you are right. I needed that reminder!
It is fun watching other families in the adoption community go through the steps and learn from each other. Thanks for sharing.