Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm in!!! I can't believe it - I don't know what changed, but today - after 3 wks. of trying with NO success to log into my blog - I did it! I kept getting this error message that my connection had been interrupted every time I attempted to sign in - so I couldn't post or comment (and no other website was affected - weird.) The first day I couldn't log in I wanted to post this hilarious, yet perhaps a little sacrilegious video of a 70's worship band singing "Jesus is a Friend of Mine." I thought maybe me not being able to post that was God's way of saying, "Not a good idea." So, point taken - instead I'll move on to my double-tag. Two friends, Kristy and Janell have tagged me - thanks guys! Despite my blog-absence, you didn't give up on me. :) So here goes - I guess I'm supposed to write 7 things about myself. There's a little blog tag I should post on here, but I can't figure it out. I guess I'm a bit rusty.

*Edit: Janell helped me figure it out!!! Thanks, my dear!

1. I LOVE to sing and worship. I feel like that's why God made me and He's given me a deep passion for both.

2. That little uvula in the back of our throats...mine is split like an upside-down heart. My dentist friend told me years ago it's the same sort of defect as a cleft-lip/palate - just not complete.

3. I have a degree in English. I've never used it professionally, but think someday I'd like to go back to school. For what? I don't know, maybe just to be a professional student. I loved it.

4. I had 4 kids by age 28, barely. I turned 28 six days before Miles was born.

5. I love New England. I was born in New Jersey (Neptune, NJ to be exact and Ross loves to makes jokes about that.) :) I also lived in Connecticut for 2 yrs. as a child and we did tons of traveling. Maine is probably my favorite.

6. I've moved 15 times in my life and never lived anywhere longer than 6 yrs.

7. I'm a total foodie. I love good food and experimenting in the kitchen. I rarely make anything twice - which is a bad thing because I don't have many tried-and-trues and most guests are my guinea pigs! :)

Now I'm supposed to tag 7 more friends. I don't know if I know that many people in blog-world, but here goes: Danae, Lisa, Sarah, Katie, Megan, Genese ,
and Shelley.

Have fun, and no pressure!


Anonymous said...

WELCOME BACK!!! Hope it keeps on working for you. Love the facts...didn't know you were born out east! I'd love to get out there some time.

Janell said...

Glad you're back friend. Missed you. Thanks for the fun info. :) Just if you want to...this is how I did the tag picture. Right click on my tag picture. There's an option to "save as a picture". I saved it on my desktop. When you are writing up your post, click on add image just like pictures and retrieve it from wherever you saved it, in my case the desktop. Hope that helps. :)

Hannah's Mom said...

Welcome back to blogland! Glad you got it working! Computer glitches can be so frustrating...I know!

April said...

Yay! You're back! I get your updates on my Google reader and was so excited to see Rice and Peas today!

Hope all is going well, Erin! I'd love to read an adoption update when you have the time!