Thursday, October 16, 2008


It's been almost a month since I've posted about our adoption, so I thought I'd give a little mini-update. We've been waiting now for almost 5 months, and at the time of submitting all of our paperwork, we were told we'd wait about 6-9 months. Since then, the projected wait time has increased greatly to 12 months. But since that new wait time was announced, referrals started picking up again this month and we're all hoping and praying for a continued steady flow.

Another waiting mom on our agency's forum devised this great "unofficial list" of the people waiting for toddlers. Now, instead of being #61 on the big list (including those waiting for infants and sibling groups), we're #5 on the toddler-boy list! This is really fun to see. We still have NO idea when our referral might come, but it's definitely fun to be movin' on up that list. (It's called "unofficial" because it's not an official list from our agency, but a list compiled by other adopting parents. They estimate it includes about 1/2 of the people waiting.)

Another cool little tidbit - last night my dad called and said he had dinner with one of his good friends who is Ethiopian. My dad told his friend of our adoption plans. His friend was so excited and told my dad that his brother is actually a judge in Ethiopia! What are the chances? It's a small, small world. Anyway, I think it would be AMAZING to meet my dad's friend here in the states and his brother in will be interesting to see if we'll be able to connect somehow.

Well, like I said, mini-update. Not much, but things are happening!


Heidi Klopfenstein said...

Wow! That is so neat! Small world.

Holli said...

so cool!

Anonymous said...

OK! Not so much MINI! 61 to #5 is HUGE...official or not! Getting closer- I can't wait to hear!

Katie said...

Fantastic! Thanks so much for the update!

miss carys said...

I just keep getting more and more excited. Thanks for talking to me about it last week too- I love hearing about it. And thanks for writing on my page, nice to know SOMEbody reads it!