Friday, July 4, 2008

Keeping it real

Ok, here's the deal. I've had fun getting together these Ethiopian class times, running around with summer activities, and getting new pets (and the kids have enjoyed it for the most part), but I feel somehow that by writing just to tell what we've done or learned or made, that reality is skewed a little. And thinking about this just really bugs me and got me thinking more about transparency, authenticity...all that good stuff. So, yes, I enjoy being "crafty," and I'm a total geeky bookworm, and it may APPEAR (ok, maybe this is a bit presumptuous) that I somehow have it together. Let me assure you all (and I'm sure this is so obvious - esp. to those who see me regularly!) - I DON'T! Yes - I am blessed beyond belief and have much joy in my life, but this past year has actually been one of the (if not THE) hardest years of my life.

There's been a whole lotta pain, a whole lotta crying out to God, and a whole lotta growing pains for both Ross and I - in our adoption, at church, and in our extended family, etc... So digging into books and keeping my mind and body busy the last month has been kinda therapeutic. :) But life is never as perfect as it appears in one picture - or one post. I guess that's all I want to say. As an the last 24 hrs., our air conditioner, food processor, coffee maker, and vacuum cleaner all BROKE. Yep. And the week before that? 5 gallons of fishy salt water overflowed onto Ross' office carpet and the next day probably about 5 more gallons of sink water was discovered dripping into the hallway carpet and through the floorboards onto our kitchen island. :) Fun stuff.

One thing I've learned this year is that life is just too stinking short to focus on the crap - but at the same time, I think it's so important to be REAL! So, that's what this is - just checkin' in, making sure I'm keeping it real.


Anonymous said...

Hi schwes,

Props for keeping it real. I like this post and totally understand it. You make complete sense and you are wonderfully real. I love you sister o'mine. Can't wait to see you!


megs @ whadusay said...

Thanks Erin. The body of Christ just can't work right if we don't keep it real. Thanks for being a good example. :)

Angel said...

AMEN! Big fan of gettin real here. :0) Angel

Holli said...

I really feel your heart in this post. Thank you for being so real!
Hope all the things that are broke are fixed and hope now fishies over flowed!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Erin. Love, J

Hamfam5 said...

Hi Erin!

It's Nancie! Hadn't checked out your blog since we were over at your house and thought I would see what was new at the Wuthrich household. Boy! You guys have had LOTS going on!! I just read through this last post and wanted to hug you for your honesty. Really, it is SO hard to let others see that we're not all we appear to be. It hurts our pride a little. It's SO refreshing when people are genuine about who they are though! So thank you! :)

And thanks again for having us over. We had a blast and can't wait to have YOU over next!

Amber said...

Thanks for keepin it real and thanks so much for your encouraging words on my blog post. SOunds you had a rough day with everything breaking. Thanks goodness all the days aren't like that. It's great to have a good blog buddy!

Anonymous said...

What a great post.You are such a great mom- and I am glad your normal too! Love how real you are dear-