Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Once about a time"

Just a quick little random "Miles story" that came out of nowhere on our family drive tonight...

"Hey guys, listen! Listen to this story I'm gonna tell you! Once about a time there was a boy named Miles. He didn't like salad, or cooked broccoli, or raw carrots, or weird people. The End."


Anonymous said...

Sounds like he's legitimately Ross's kid...

miss carys said...

Nice! I love it. I feel the same about the food, only I like broccoli, but not cooked carrots. Miss you guys.

Kristy said...

Hey, guys! It's been forever! We didn't even know you were in the process of adopting... congratulations! We know the heartbreak and agony of waiting.... although it sounds like you're dealing with even more issues than we did. Hang in there- we'll be praying!
Ben & Kristy

Holli said...

Ok I got your # from Abs and will be calling you soon! Can't wait to chat!