Saturday, March 29, 2008


Ok, it's been about 11 months since God launched us on this incredible adoption journey. But how'd we get to that point? Abby and Christine, two friends and blogging buddies have inspired me to revisit how it all started for us.

Why? Kind of reminds me of a little craft we did in women's ministry this month. They gave us a journal, glass jar, and a bag of little river rocks. Inside the journal says, "This journal is to remind us that God is our rock and our redeemer. Each time God does something powerful in your life, take a stone, mark it, place it in the jar, and then record your "God story" in your journal. May we never forget God's faithfulness." (This idea came from Joshua 4, when the Lord commanded His people to collect twelve memorial stones from the Jordan - awesome story, check it out.) So, to remember and to proclaim what God can and does do with imperfect open hearts and arms, here we go: I'm just gonna copy what I wrote in one of many applications...:)

Ross brought up the subject of adoption years ago, when we had two little ones, and I thought it was a great idea, but acting on it seemed so distant and unreal. Since then we've had two more kids, moved closer to family, helped launch our church and have steadily developed a definite direction, vision, and mission for our little family. This past year especially has been a year of tremendous spiritual growth for me and Ross and our family. I have experienced God, His love, protection, and provision in unbelievable ways. It seems only natural and right to pour that love He's shown me right back out again.

This past spring I remember going to visit friends and their new baby at the hospital.. We had all four kids and were in a bit of a hurry because Ross had just gotten home from work, we hadn't eaten dinner, and I had worship practice. (This just kind of paints the picture of my harried mom-mind at that moment.) When we entered the hospital room, we offered our congratulations, heard the labor story, and then, without me asking, the grandma placed this sweet little peanut in my arms. At that moment I felt God speak to my heart - undeniably. I heard, "You can love someone who didn't come from you." It was that clear to me. I started crying! On our way home, Ross asked if I was OK, and I told him what I had heard in my heart. That night and all of the following week, that experience turned into a steadily growing desire in my heart to look into adoption, and that desire turned into a conviction! As Ross and I talked and talked and prayed and prayed, we both came to the same conclusion: if we both have the desire and conviction to adopt, let's do it! Let's not wait for the "perfect time," because we knew from our experience conceiving our biological kids, that the "perfect time" never comes. It's all about God's time. And we knew this was it.

It's actually hilarious to read that last line, because we just assumed that because we were starting the process then that we'd be about done by now. ha ha ha Just goes to show that surrendering and simply saying "yes" was just the BEGINNING of the growing and learning of the past year!

I'm not sure what God's plans are or how He'll use us - I have my hopes, but it's not about us, I've finally gotten that!


Matt and Katie said...

Erin I have SO enjoyed reading your blog! Your openness and compassion and LOVE FOR OUR SAVIOUR shines through. I love the story on the adoption and am praying for you all. Amelia just loves Maggie and your family and I know she will be thrilled to meet your new member when God's time comes!!! Katie

Anonymous said...

Erin, Hey girl!! This is Jenny Gutwein from way long ago at the West Lafayette church. I still miss you guys. I especially remember that one time we had that spa party in your kitchen with good smelling tea or something in the background. I remember thinking oh good, now we can do this once a week & then you moved- hee hee.
Luke & I are now in FL for his residency. We also have adopted a little one named Luca. I will be excited to keep up on your blog!! Our blog is

Great to see your pics & little ones. God Bless, J

3 became 4... said...

Oh Erin! I am in tears! Thank you for sharing that! Wow! God is AWESOME, isn't HE? I will never forget that moment when He spoke to me about finding our son. What an amazing moment (He actually had to speak to me twice- I'm a little slow L0L :0))!
I'm still praying for you guys!
Lyn Franks

megs @ whadusay said...

Erin - Thank you for this post. I love hearing stories of how God reveals himself to others. He is so REAL! How can anyone deny His existence?

I will be following your story - keep sharing!


Holli said...

I am so glad you posted this! It is great to hear why people start adoption and hear the journey God takes them on! God is awesome!

L, Ann and boys said...

Hey Erin! Andria Schafer (Bahler) from West Lafayette. I found your blog on Abby's...I'm so excited for you guys. I feel like God's got his Spirit on the move for orphans and it's amazing to watch his church respond with open arms.
I'll be adding your blog to my exciting

Susan & Truman said...

I have been following along with your adoption story, along with so many others! I just noticed that you mentioned Peoria in this post. I don't live there now, but I grew up there & still have all my family there! Small world. :)

Laura said...

Erin! I'm have been trying to find your blog or email address! I actually just looked over your Christmas letter today to see if the address was on it! I finally went to update my blog as I have been trying to be the most boring person in the world and only do paper work or read adoption manuals :)and saw your comment! Yeah! I can''t wait to catch up with you! My email is