Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Little Boxes

Tonight as I was getting the kids ready for bed (Ross is in Chicago for a meeting), our six-year old Maggie was telling me she wished she could write "sorry" cards to everybody she'd fought with today - it was one of those days...I told her she could just tell everybody she was sorry and that she'd surely be forgiven - and that I'd already forgiven her. She was obviously feeling anxious about this as she sat in my lap and tentatively said, "It's like I have a row of little boxes in my head and each box has a picture in it - like one of you and one of Miles and I just keep looking at them and looking at them." So I told her (kind of hastily 'cause I was just ready to get everybody tucked in), "Just give those boxes to Jesus!"

Now as I sit here by myself and think about this, I realize two things. One is that I'm so thankful for Maggie's sensitivity, insight, and desire to make things right. And two is that I need to take my own advice! How many little boxes do I have in my own head that I keep dumping out, looking at, and worrying about when I need to just pack 'em up and give them to Jesus?! Pretty profound for me...it's got "God" written all over it...Ok Lord, I get it! :)


tizzylish said...

Out of the mouthes of babes! What a great picture of what we do and what we should be doing...great advice!