Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Driver

Well, I just got word from our agency that our documents are on their way to Ukraine! Our coordinator told us that it was completed in record time...only God...again.

I continue to be amazed at how much I'm learning about life during this whole process.

Yesterday Miles and I set off for Springfield to get our documents apostilled - the final step before they get sent overseas. I had heard we were going to get a big storm later in the evening and into today, but was told I'd be able to beat it if I left around noon. And if the snow and ice were on their way, I didn't want to miss my chance to get these documents sent off before the end of the week because of bad road conditions. So we began our little trek and I was telling Miles, "Buddy, we're gonna beat this storm!" He thought that was such a cool idea. Well, about 15 minutes into our trip, the sky turned the strangest, gray/green/pink/orange color and the wind began picking up. And then the rain came, and the hail, and the giant lightening strikes and I felt like we were the only car on the road, driving through farmland and feeling like we were going to blow away. After a few minutes into this storm Miles said, "Mom, I think we 'losed.' It's raining." ha ha ha (Thank God for my little travel buddy!) He just watched, peacefully, and through the craziest part of it, fell asleep. As soon as I got to Springfield it slowed down considerably and I was able to call Ross. I told him about the crazy weather and Miles' reaction and he and I both marveled at how trusting he was in the back seat, seeing and hearing the pounding rain, wind, and lightening, and yet feeling so safe that he could just fall asleep. It made us think that if God is in the driver's seat of our lives, we don't need to stress and get distracted by the storms howling around us, but can trust and rest in Him.

Driving home the weather continued to get worse. In fact, the rain turned to ice and the howling wind was blowing the snow/ice mixture all over. It was the worst I've ever personally driven through. And the craziest part? Today is sunny, calm, and beautiful (although freezing cold). I was almost ticked when I woke up and saw that the "big storm" they had predicted for today was nonexistant. But now, I'm wondering if God allowed me to drive through that storm just to get my attention. Because it reminded me that although the storms of life will keep coming, I just have to continue to trust in my Driver...