Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Hi!" from the Nelson Ave. Nutlers (and Mr. Miles)

Last night Ross' Dad and his stepmom came over for dinner. After we ate we all gathered in the livingroom to open belated Christmas stockings and to just hang out. The girls were telling their grandparents about how they ask Miles to say "three-thousand-three-hundred-and-thirty-three," and it sounds like "free-fousand-free-hundred-and-firty-free." Miles, checking out his loot in the corner behind the end table, immediately said, "I heard what you guys said and I think you're all nutlers!" Grandpa then asked him a question to which Miles replied, "What, nutler?" ha ha ha (He's got his own 3-yr. old language...)

Anyway, I love words and I love my friends and family; hence, this blog. Never in our lives have we been blessed with an ever-growing circle of extended family and friends and never in our lives have we been so busy!!! So, despite the miles and craziness of life, this is a way to stay connected and get a glimpse (if you ever want) of our everyday.


Lisa said...

Thanks for inviting me into your blog you nutler :)

love ya,
Lis & fam

Dad said...

You have a houseful of PRECIOUS. I'm talking whole truckloads of PRECIOUS. We are blessed to witness it.
Grandpa and Grandma

KK and the girls said...

Hey guys! What a great blog! I can't believe all the work you've done (and probably have yet to do) on the adoption! What patience and stamina you have! Look forward to reading more from you all!


Anonymous said...

Hi bloggers! This is such a neat idea. You are so up on things! I miss you all so much. Know that I think of you often and that I pray for each of you everyday. It's really neat to have the adoption process on here. I like being able to see the steps you have made and what needs to be done next. Keep it coming! Love to you, Macy

Valerie said...

The nutler with the butler.
(Sorry, couldn't resist)
Mom W

monie said...

I will look forward to your blogs since I NEVER GET TO SEE YOU!!!!!! Dang, I miss you guys.

Love ya,

miss carys said...

Hey! I love your blog! What a good idea..I'm so glad I'll be able to keep up with you guys like our hopefully new-forming Sunday night ichats. :) Hope you're all doing well! Love you, Sarah