Thursday, May 14, 2009

Countdown to Court - 3,2

3 things that have helped me not go crazy the past few days:

1.  An amazing, inexplicable, divine peace.  Only God. 

2.  My kids recently found a Bobby McFerrin CD and have been playing and/or singing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" non-stop all week...literally.  

3.  We've been super busy.

Miles' program and last day of school:

Ellie's musical:

Miles' 5th birthday!!!:

And we've been cleaning out the attic (Maggie found my old 4th grade glasses - I HAD to find an excuse to post this hilarious picture.  She looks so much cuter in these than I EVER did!):


2 things that ARE threatening to drive me absolutely crazy right now:

1.  Today is THE DAY!

2.  I've got to stop checking my e-mail and get off of this blasted computer!!!  Ok, I'm going shopping.  :)  Hope to be back very soon!


Janell said...

I've been checking email all morning too! Waiting and praying!

Tasha said...

praying hard, can't wait to hear. Hilarious Erin, I so remember those glasses.

Anonymous said...

that picture of Maggie is one on my absolute favorites! Love you sister!