Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Countdown to Court - 10

10 things I wonder:

1.  What will that first moment be like?  

2.  Will he be guarded and distant, or eager and curious?  Or a little bit of both?

3.  Do his big, beautiful, brown eyes light up when he smiles? 

4.  What will he love to play with most - dinosaurs, cars, trains, balls...?

5.  How does a person, let alone a 3 yr. old, process 3 moves and 3 different languages in a mere 5 months?

6.  What will our communication be like?  (He's probably losing his first language, learning Amharic, and now we're going to be throwing English in the mix...)

7.  Will I be able to handle subtle and not-so-subtle racism with wisdom and grace?  (Because the mere thought makes this mama bear wanna explode or, worse yet, overprotect and in the process neglect teaching valuable lessons on how to face it in the future.)

8.  When will this totally surreal experience begin to truly sink in - the fact that I may have a son on the other side of the world in 10 days?

9.  When will he first call me "Mama?"

10.  Will he really be able to deeply, honestly love me as Mama in his little-boy heart?



Holli said...

praying for you guys and your little guy! can't wait to see his big brown eyes!

Nichole said...

Praying for your upcoming court date.

Janell said...

Oh Erin, I've been thinking about you guys alot!! You're so close. Praying, praying, praying!! Can't wait to see him home forever and see those big brown eyes light up with a smile. :) Hope you had a good bday! I thought about you and even ran past your house and just never got a card or call out.