Monday, August 3, 2009

"So, How's It Been Going?"

Is a question I've gotten a lot the last few weeks since we've been home. This week marks one month since we met our sweet little man, so I thought it would be a great time for an update.

The past few posts I've mentioned and/or shown pictures and videos of how great it's going. And it is. It seriously is going really great. Yonas is such a little lover - he freely gives hugs, kisses, and "love you's," and accepts and seeks my comfort whenever he's sad, grouchy, or hurt. That was probably my biggest concern/fear and I've been so pleasantly surprised in that arena.

That said, Yonas is also NON-STOP action-man. Seriously. He keeps me going from the moment he wakes up. I've really been trying to wake up before him in the mornings just to getting a running start, but he usually beats me. And first thing - really first thing out of his mouth as he climbs, sleepily and wobbily into bed with us, is either, "Mom, hungry - sucker - pizza!" or "Mom, bike!" or "Mom, bye-bye!" or "Mom, bath!" And then the rest of my morning is spent saying, "Isch (Ok) buddy, Koy (wait) - first, let's get dressed." And he's totally "isch" with that...he obeys and gets dressed. THEN, immediately after he's dressed, he's ready for pizza, bike, and bye-bye again. Soooo, then I talk him into some sort of breakfast food other than pizza (seriously, it would be pizza 24/7 for this dude) saying, "Koy, Yoni, pretty soon we'll ride bikes and go bye-bye!" Whew. So, by 10 am, when we're all ready to go for the day, I'm pooped! :)

But, I'm so thankful to say, the last few days we've fallen into more of a routine (what do ya know - 2 wks. before school starts when it'll totally change again!) :) So, he's getting to the point that he can anticipate what's next and therefore have a smidgen more patience for what's next in the day. AND, big praises here, he's actually been taking a nap the last couple of days! "Rest time" for all of us has been huge. We all desperately need it to make it in one piece until dinner-time. I'm really, really thankful for this.

And language-wise, it really has not been near the issue I thought it might be. A lot of this has to do with the fact Yonas has a definite opinion on EVERYTHING...and he makes it particularly clear if we can't get it the first couple of times. :) And he's catching on like crazy. Today I said as we were crossing the street and he looked like he might make a run for it, "Yonas, NO -makeena (car)!" To which he replied, " No, Mom, car." Like, "Give me a break, mom, you don't know what that's called??!" :)

So, my spunky, full-of-life, strong-willed, lover of a boy keeps each day fresh, new, and full of surprises. It reminds me a lot of the 18 mo. old stage that I loved so much but which exasperated me to no end with my other 4 kiddos. There are daily discoveries and milestones met, but also disasters diverted and patience stretched beyond what I ever thought possible. All rolled up in my little bundle named Yoni...

And here's a pic from our town coffee house's steps with all of our kids and two of their cousins, Carys and Moses: (see Yonas with his sucker and cowboy boots? He'd have it no other way. And neither would I.)


Janell said...

Wow, so thankful that it really is going so well. He is just a doll. I loved seeing him last Friday. What a sweet busy boy! :)

Valerie said...

I loved how meticulous he was creating his own personal pizza, Sunday. And the fruit snacks! Did you see how he looked at me when I told him, the fruit snacks were all gone?! He totally melted my heart.

Holli said...

so cute! love the updates! praying for you guys!
and love him in those boots!

Anonymous said...

Er -

This is so great! I love the update and view from your perspective. I'm missing you like crazy and loved being with you for a while. The picture could make me cry. We are so so blessed. I love and miss you and look forward to the fest. Thanks for this.

Chris said...

It's killing us to be so far away and miss all of this. Thanks for the updates. I'm so happy that things are going so well. It sounds like you are getting a test in endurance! I bet you will be ready for the boston marathon by the time he is 5. Hope to see all of you soon!

Lisa said...

So AWESOME to hear your update! Praise God it's going so well. You are such a great Mommy too!

love you,

foreverisamoment said...


What an awesome dude, full of energy! I think your family rocks. :)


Konjo Konjo said...

Oh Erin, you've articulated so much of what I am experiencing here. Some days are long? Are they not? Nap time is a very good time on those days. Other days, easy. 18 month/toddler stage is a great way of describing it. Sometimes I have a real disconnect with this. We'll try calling you tomorrow. That would make him very, very happy. Summer has been good. Busy, but good. Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Seriously- don't know why but this post made me get teary and laugh out out loud! Love the boots- and the energy.
I'm just catching up on my blog reading- and it was so good talking today!

Anonymous said...

Erin & Ross...
We are so thankful all is going well with your darling little guy!! We are happy for all of you!
We are so excited that little Jada will soon be home too!
love you guys!
Wendell & karel :)