Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Deep Thoughts...Take 2

OK, deep thoughts...take 2! (Sorry to those who got take 1.) :)

I posted an entry earlier today that really got me thinking about the power and limitations of written words, interpretation, and all kinds of stuff. As I started cleaning my bathrooms (what I should've been doing instead of blogging...hee hee), I had some more deep thoughts and wanted to take another crack at it.

As we've continued in this adoption process, I've become so much more aware of the incredibly many and diverse ways we all could be a part of reaching out to orphans. In my desire for all of us to "be the hands and feet of Jesus," I do NOT mean that everyone is called or will be called to adopt. Speaking metaphorically, as the Body of Christ, if we were all fingers, how would we GET anywhere? And if we were all toes, who would do the hugging, holding, and reaching out?

There are SO many ways for all of us to reach out to orphans around the world - prayer, missions, child sponsorships, financial support of adoptions and adoption ministries...the list goes on...www.cryoftheorphan.org is a great place to find out how we could all get plugged in - and in this arena, no "way" is better than another.

There are SO many different ways to serve and paths that God leads us all on...how we choose to educate our kids (public school, private school, homeschool), what local church He's called us to, etc. We just need to be willing to open up, listen, and be willing to be used no matter what He calls us to do.

I guess Prov.3:5-6 is the best way to sum this all up no matter what God calls us each to do for His kingdom and even for the little, seemingly insignificant decisions of the everyday - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."


Anonymous said...

That's a HUGE thing that I'm learning lately...LOVE it! It's so true...here's the quote I hang on to:

"Oh, how the angles must tremble. How they must lean over the portals of heaven, waiting to see, listening to hear. Dumbfounded to think that the whole future of Christianity hangs, again and again, on your answer and mine- on our willingness to yes to whatever God asks. To rearrange our lives in order to accomplish His plans."