Friday, April 25, 2008

Adoption Update

Friday night, a beautiful storm, cheerio crispy bars (we ran out of rice crispies), and off to watch a movie with my man. It doesn't get much better than this.

It's been a crazy few weeks. Good, but crazy. Just wanted to post a quick adoption update. Last week our awesome social worker finished the draft of our homestudy and sent it off to our international agency (Thanks, Jennifer!) It will take 1-2 weeks for them to review it and suggest/make any needed corrections and then they will hopefully approve it and send us the remainder of our dossier documents. Hopefully we'll wrap up the dossier one-two weeks after that, and then send everything in to the international agency. At that point, we'll be officially "waiting" and on the waiting list to accept a referral of a child or children. Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you guys that we felt most at peace about opening up the possibility of bringing one OR two children home. Our homestudy will state that we'd like to bring home either one little boy under 24 mo., or two children under 48 mo. - whichever comes first. The likelihood of us bringing home siblings is small because the waiting list for siblings is long and the list for boys between 12-24 mo. is short, but we just really wanted to keep the option open in case that's what God's got for us.

We're not sure how long we'll be waiting and definitely covet all of your prayers! I've found that when the ball leaves our court, that's when Satan really has a "hay-day" and likes to plague me with worry, doubt, and all sorts of lovely junk like that.

Oh, and we have our appointment to get fingerprinted by immigration (again) next Saturday. I had a scare this week because our fingerprint notice stated our case type wrong - as in stating that we filed the wrong application and I REALLY didn't want to spend $830 a 3rd time to rectify that! Thankfully it seems to have been a typo and has no negative effect on our case. Thank you Lord!

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!


Janell said...

I loved having you over today Erin. You are always an encouragement and a bright spot in my day. Your love for God and your dependence on Him shines so brightly in all you do! Yeah... You must have gotten through and everything is okay w/ the "mistake"?

Erin said...

Janell, I feel like you're a kindred spirit and loved being with you as well! Thanks so much for the invite...and did I mention you have 4 of the sweetest boys on earth??? And yes, I got an e-mail from immigration yesterday and all is well. Yes!!!

Mike said...

I dont know you, but My wife and I wil be praying for you and your family that all will go well and that the child/children that you get will far surpass all that you could ever ask for or even hand pick. That their personalities will brighten your life more than it already is and that they will be embraced by the love of God through you all. God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! How exciting! It's so nice to know that you're almost done (on your end at least)...I'm jealous! (: We're still praying for you guys!

Laura said...

Wow Erin! I'm so excited for you guys-- the possibility of siblings-that's exciting! It will be so fun to see what God has planned for your family! Great talking with you last week!

Danae said...

Aweswome!!!! All most there...what have you guys been uo to? Looking forward to watching Bella...

Holli said...

PRAYING! Praying! Praying!!!! Satan will have NO HOLD!
I am so excited for you! Almost there!

Erin said...

Danae -I was JUST thinking about our Bella night this morning. I'm going to look at my calendar this morning and send out some dates. How are you guys doing? Been thinking about you and look forward to catching up!